Hiram L. Dorman
Elementary School
Springfield, MA

Our Dorman students have been busy learning in their library classes. In early March, we celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday and Read Across America Day with several Dr. Seuss stories and activities. For St. Patrick’s Day, students listened to a leprechaun story, and third graders wrote their own versions. In the next few weeks, we will be studying specific authors. Kindergarten, first, and second graders will be reading Eric Carle stories; third, fourth, and fifth graders will be studying the works of Jon Scieszka.
Our School

Dorman Elementary School is a small school community dedicated to meeting its students' needs. The school is composed of a diverse population of students including 5% Asian, 34% Black, 17% White, 43% Hispanic, and 1% American Indian.
Our History

Hiram L. Dorman School is located in the Pine Point section of Springfield, the third largest city in Massachusetts. Our school, built in 1932, is named for Hiram L. Dorman who was a purchasing agent for the city of Springfield.