Hiram L. Dorman
Elementary School
Springfield, MA
All parents have goals for their children.
I hope you are ready for for a successful school year! My name is Charlotte Gonzalez and I am the Parent Facilitator at Dorman. My job is to help build a regular, two-way, meaningful and reqarding relationship between the school and its families. Please feel free to call me with any concerns or questions.
Research shows a connection between a student’s success in school and parental involvement. Your child needs to know that you consider school important. There are a variety of ways to be involved with your child’s school. The most important are parent/teacher conferences, Open House, regular communication with your child’s teacher, and the Home/School Compact.
Additional important options are to volunteer in the classroom, attend field trips, become an S.C.D.M. (School Centered Decision Making) team member, become a part of Read-a-Loud, and attend school functions. Any time you give is beneficial to everyone, you, your child and the school. Check out the Parent Board located at the main office. It will keep you informed of school and community activities and programs.
Please contact me at 787-7554 for volunteer opportunities, school events, or any home/school issues.

Charlotte Gonzalez,
Parent Facilitator
To request more information:
Contact the Main Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm
413 - 787 - 7554
You can also request more information with this form: